
PC Dripper 4L/h

Original price was: $1.79.Current price is: $0.88.

Online dripper are best suited for garden beds that have plants or tress spaced out. This way it allows the drippers to be placed at different intervals and different dripper flow rates. To insert the drippers a punch tool is needed to make the hole in the poly pipe and then the dripper is pushed in. This Pressure Compensated (PC) dripper will ensure the same amount of water is released through ever dripper regardless of the slop of your garden or location of the dripper along the tube.
SKU MD-DPC-4 Category
Online dripper are best suited for garden beds that have plants or tress spaced out. This way it allows the drippers to be placed at different intervals and different dripper flow rates. To insert the drippers a punch tool is needed to make the hole in the poly pipe and then the dripper is pushed in. This Pressure Compensated (PC) dripper will ensure the same amount of water is released through ever dripper regardless of the slop of your garden or location of the dripper along the tube.
  • Highly reliable dripper
  • Unique and accurate regulating labyrinth mechanism
  • Wide water passages along the labyrinth
  • Self-flushing operation at the beginning and at the end of each irrigation cycle
  • Compact multi-optional button dripper
  • Accommodates 1, 2, and 4 outlet adapters

Dripper flow rate: 4l/h

Working Pressure:

Dimensions (mm): 25 x 24dia