Installed worldwide since 2009 the PIC PLAST Greenhouses range uses SOLARIG® Greenhouse covers. The strength of SOLARIG® greenhouse covers is up to 15x more than ordinary extruded greenhouses coverings. SOLARIG® is a woven HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) greenhouse cover which possesses superior tensile and puncture strength due to its structural interlocking geometry with multiple layers, enabling it to withstand extreme wind conditions (provided correct installation and use)
The construction of the greenhouse frame consists of 43mm Galvanised Steel Tubing (arch sections), 35mm Galvanised Steel Tubing (diagonal bracing) and 25mm Galvanised Steel Tubing (top bracing), all Galvanised Steel Tubing has a wall thickness of 1.8mm.
The sides of the Greenhouses feature a 70cm tall anti-insect ‘50 mesh’ (25X50 yarn per square inch) net that runs the entire length of the greenhouse. The front and back also feature the same material allowing ventilation to ensure adequate airflow.
STK COMPACT – Tunnel Greenhouse 6x12m
• Roof Cover: SOLARIG® 170 gsm (gr/m2) HDPE. Closed roof
• Sides: SOLARIG® 170 gsm (gr/m2) HDPE with ventilated sides.
• Front: ‘50 mesh’ (25X50 yarn per square inch) divided to two pieces with Velcro opening
• Back: ‘50 mesh’ (25X50 yarn per square inch)